Dragons & Magic

Dragons & Magic

3 PNRs from Blair Babylon — Spring, 2019 I am so excited to announce my next foray into romance writing: paranormal romances! Every now and then, writers need to stretch their writing muscles, so I wrote some fun little PNRs. I can't wait to show them to you!...
2018 Round-Up

2018 Round-Up

2018 Books Thank you, readers, for a wonderful 2018. I hope to have even more books for you in 2019, but I appreciate each and every one of you. I loved writing them, and so now I raise my glass to you, my dearest and closest friends of the mind and soul. I've got a...
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and the very best New Year! Here at Chez Babylon, we've been opening presents, and I made a really good, gluten-free apple pie. It was really tasty. I over-processed the crust so it wasn't as flaky as I would have liked, but it was...
TK’s Google Play Uber Post

TK’s Google Play Uber Post

(c) 2015 and 2018 Malachite Publishing LLC UPDATE AND BACKGROUND: A few years ago, a site called had an area called The Writers Cafe, where many indie authors got together to help each other. It was the halcyon days of indie publishing, before KU and...
Once Upon a FREE BOOK!

Once Upon a FREE BOOK!

I'm ridiculously proud of that punny post title. Once Upon A Time is now FREE at ALL the ebook stores! Get it quick before it returns to $2.99!   Amazon  ~~~ iBooks ~~~ Kobo  Barnes & Noble/Nook ~~~ Google Play  ...
“At Midnight” Available for Pre-Order!

“At Midnight” Available for Pre-Order!

Hey! The fourth book in the Flicka Pentology is now available for pre-order! The only blurb that I can put up right now is: The story gets darker, AT MIDNIGHT. After In A Faraway Land drops in a few days, I can update the blurb. Even the blurb for AT is a spoiler for...
Come on over and hang with me on Books+Main!

Come on over and hang with me on Books+Main!

I bit the bullet and filled out my Books+Main profile. If you're into romance novels (and, we're just going to assume that because you're here,) come on over to Books+Main Bites and follow me! Blair Babylon at Books+Main Bites  
I think I broke a reader.

I think I broke a reader.

Amazon  ~~~ iBooks ~~~ Kobo  Barnes & Noble/Nook ~~~ Google Play  A reader posted that picture over there in the Blair Babylon Readers' Group on Facebook, and I about died laughing. Yes, that's pretty much the exact path of the plot. I can just see exactly what parts...
NEW BOOK by Blair Babylon

NEW BOOK by Blair Babylon

Yes, dear friends, I have been telling lies. I've been telling whoppers. I've been lying my butt off at every opportunity. Why? you ask. About what? Well, that's the first huge plot twist in Once Upon A Time, my newest book that has just released today. You'll see,...