Furry Menace

Furry Menace

Here is my silly little kitteh who has climbed into my sewing niche. He managed to get back there without getting himself stuck on any of the pins and needles that are all over the place. I didn't realize he was doing it until he was already back there. I checked him...
March 14 Kitty Pickie!

March 14 Kitty Pickie!

This is my favorite kitty, and here he is under the covers with me when I woke up. Lookie them toe beans. The cutest. Don't forget to pick up Twisted for free this week!
Official Kittah Update Feb 15 2024

Official Kittah Update Feb 15 2024

Here is Large Gray One wearing his official no-licky shirt that I bought him from the River Place. According to the vet who fat-shamed him last summer, he's “clinically obese,” and that's why the bodysuit is just a belly shirt on him. Ahem, he's not even...