by Blair | Dec 26, 2018 | Just for fun, Uncategorized
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and the very best New Year! Here at Chez Babylon, we've been opening presents, and I made a really good, gluten-free apple pie. It was really tasty. I over-processed the crust so it wasn't as flaky as I would have liked, but it was...
by Blair | Nov 20, 2018 | Just for fun, Rafflecopter
JA Huss et al GIVEAWAY! Get $100 PLUS 5 signed paperbacks by authors Lacey Silks, Shay Savage, Cristin Harber, JA Huss, and Blair Babylon! ENTER HERE
by Blair | Nov 13, 2018 | Just for fun, Uncategorized
Recently, Amazon did something to their site that limits access to Amazon . com for non-US readers, even for countries that don't have an Amazon store. So, if you live in Ireland, South Africa, etc. and haven't been able to buy ebooks lately, this is what happened....
by Blair | Oct 9, 2018 | Essays, Writing tips
I wrote the following post on a now essentially defunct site called KBoards in mid-2017. (I know it's still there. It's changed hands, and the new owners have added unethical and unacceptable language to the TOS. Most writers won't go there anymore.) Everything in it...
by Blair | Sep 22, 2018 | Writing tips
(c) 2015 and 2018 Malachite Publishing LLC UPDATE AND BACKGROUND: A few years ago, a site called had an area called The Writers Cafe, where many indie authors got together to help each other. It was the halcyon days of indie publishing, before KU and...