Just 5 Tips

Just 5 Tips

J.A. Huss hosted a bunch of top writers, including me, on her blog during the month of December to write 5 Top Tips on a whole bunch of writing and marketing subjects. If you're a writer (or a reader who likes to see how the sausage is made) jump over there to leap...
What Authors Feel Like When Staring At A Blank Screen

What Authors Feel Like When Staring At A Blank Screen

I'm starting the work on Flicka von Hannover's books. The first one is called Once Upon A Time, and yes, they're very fairy-tale. She is a princess, after all. Wow, this is a HUGE project. I'm at that place in the early outlining where I think I can't possibly do it....
A Usual Day in the Life of the Romance Author

A Usual Day in the Life of the Romance Author

I was chatting in my Facebook Readers' Group tonight and thought that I would cross-post here at the blog. Writing can be hard work, and chatting like in groups like the Babylon group keeps me going. So, what's an author's day like? Just as a measure, I typed +2924...