Under Parr

Under Parr

Jericho Parr is a tall, handsome, cocky rich guy who’s gotten everything he’s ever wanted in life with a twinkle in his devastatingly blue eyes, but he’s going to lose this time. 

Newcastle Golf Club is the hub of my community. So when hunky Jericho Parr buys the club and is going to change it, I’m going to fight him every step of the way. 

Fighting him would be a lot easier if Jericho wasn’t a cocky flirt who knows how dang handsome he is. With a dirty sparkle in his blue eyes and an iron determination, he’s out to change the most important parts of NGC. 

When I try to reason with him, he won’t budge an inch. When I try to explain the importance of it, he smiles that dashing, mischievous grin and goes right back to work. 

So I’m going to try everything to get him to listen to me. Everything is on the table, and on his desk, and in the shady clearing behind the fifth fairway. 

But he’s still working like a demon to obliterate the charming parts of NGC like he’s on a deadline. 

Something else was going on with him. 


If I lose this bet, it will bankrupt the company that I and my three best friends have built for the last ten years. But to win it, I have to destroy what Tiffany Jones loves the most. 

It was a stupid, drunken, New Year’s Eve bet. We would each buy a golf business, and whoever increased their business’s net worth the most would win the bet. 

But we each bet a hundred million dollars. 

And we all bet against Gabriel “The Shark.” 

The winner will walk away with half a billion dollars. The other four guys will be bankrupt. 

So I bought Newcastle Golf Club, a picturesque but struggling community golf course in New England. I had big plans to turn it around, invest in the course and the club, and attract members from the McMansion enclave of new millionaires who’d made their fortunes in tech and Boston real estate just a few miles away. 

But I didn’t count on the club’s golf instructor, Tiffany Jones, standing in my way. She’s a sweet, curvy woman with the golf swing of a ballet dancer and the personality of a momma bear who’s protecting her cub. I mean, club. 

She insists that the Newcastle Golf Club is an important part of the community as it is, and my plans to upgrade and raise the membership dues will destroy its most important role. 

But if I don’t, I’ll lose the bet and my friends’ investments. 

But she’s beautiful, and she’s passionate, and she’s absolutely fascinating to talk to. I want to show her the whole world and see it through her eyes. 

But first, I have to win the bet, or Gabriel “The Shark” will walk away with everything we’ve worked for. 


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About the Book

All of Blair Babylon’s books include mature themes, characters who act like adults, an unusual number of dead bodies for romance novels, people working through past trauma, dark humor, philosophy, nifty vocabulary, and explicit spicy scenes that may include bondage, domination/submission, sadism, masochism, roughness, positions that only highly trained contortionists should attempt, and deep, serious emotions.

Children and animals are sometimes in danger but are never injured nor murdered.

Things Blair’s books do not include / Blair does not write about: rape described in detail for titillation, any kind of sexual violence described in detail for titillation, coerced sex that happens (may be threatened), forced pregnancy that happens (may be threatened), noncon, dubcon, child abuse, CSA, or animal abuse.

In the very few instances where a character is sexually assaulted, it either happens entirely off the page, happened before the book began, or is not shown in detail. For instance, at one point, a sexual assault that happens in a book is entirely contained in the words, “And then—” Characters deal with the trauma afterward, and—and I cannot stress this enough—and then they get through it and reach a place where they are okay.

In the list, “Discussed” means this category is discussed but does not happen.




Sex, Explicit / Spicy / Five-Chili-Peppers / Earphones highly recommended for audiobook
Nudity, Explicitly Described
Bondage / BDSM / RACK / SSC / Similar Kink
Sexual Positions that only skilled contortionists should attempt
Racism / White Supremacy / Implied Racial Slurs (Never written racial slurs)
Alcohol / Drinking to Excess / Bad Decisions


Other Books in "Billionaire Sports Romance"
Series: Billionaires in Disguise, Billionaire Sports Romance, Book 1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tags: last chance inc, sports romance
ISBN: 9781950220397