by Blair | Apr 10, 2018 | Blair's Books
I'm so excited about these new covers by Amy at QDesign!
by Blair | Apr 7, 2018 | Just for fun
Here it is! Welcome to Rogue International Security!
by Blair | Apr 7, 2018 | Blair's Books, Just for fun
I uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel! Are you a subscriber? Subscribe HERE!
by Blair | Apr 5, 2018 | Just for fun
Amazon ~~~ iBooks ~~~ Kobo Barnes & Noble/Nook ~~~ Google Play A reader posted that picture over there in the Blair Babylon Readers' Group on Facebook, and I about died laughing. Yes, that's pretty much the exact path of the plot. I can just see exactly what parts...
by Blair | Apr 4, 2018 | Blair's Books, New Releases
Yes, dear friends, I have been telling lies. I've been telling whoppers. I've been lying my butt off at every opportunity. Why? you ask. About what? Well, that's the first huge plot twist in Once Upon A Time, my newest book that has just released today. You'll see,...